Twenty years of experience.
Expert and Authorized Pandit in Trimbakeshwar
because all the karyas don't happen accordingly to the efforts put in. often leading to negativity, and inferiority complex. This vidhi done by vaidik procedure is very effective although very simple. There is a special pooja to be done which can be done at our place. or you can get this pooja done at your place, we are open for help regarding the pooja. The Kal Sarp Yoga is formed when all the planets are situated between Rahu & Ketu.
When all the planets are hemmed between Rahu and Ketu i.e., the moon's north node and the moon's south node Kal Sarp Yoga is formed. Complete Kal Sarp Yoga is formed only when half of the chart is unoccupied by planets. The KalSarpa Yoga is a dreaded yoga that can cause one's life to be miserable. A person under the affliction of this yoga leads a life of pain and misfortune. If it is highly afflicted this yoga has the capacity to cancel out all the good Yoga's of the chart.
This KalSarp Yoga can be formed in any person's horoscope like king, rich, president, prime-minister, peon, poor etc. and those who have KalSarpa Yog in their horoscope, in spite they have all kind of facilities but still they always suffer from some tension, fear, & insecurity. A person who has bitten by snack cannot sit comfortably like this a person who has KalSarpa Yog in his horoscope always fear from death.
This yog is more dangerous than other malefic yoga. This yog effects a person till 55 years and some time throughout his life, its depend upon the position of KalSarpa yoga. There are various types of this yoga and are mentioned in detail here.
Call Guruji +91 8421048228By performing Kalsarp Shanti one gets blessed by 9 different species of snakes. Along with Kalsarp Shanti puja, Rahu & Ketu puja opens up the doors of success. By worshiping the gold idol of snake one gets blessed by Goddess Laxmi. The money earned is spent for right purpose. The unknown fear disappears from the mind. The mind is at peace and one starts thinking in a positive way. One gets respect in the society and also brings success in professional life. Family relations grow good and strong. Kalsarp Shanti puja protects a person from evil powers and energies. One gets an opportunity to serve his parents and elderly people in the family. Fear of snake vanishes by worshiping him. One gets rid of evil influence. Good health is achieved by performing Kalsarp Shanti Puja. One attains success in life by this puja.
कालसर्प एक ऐसा योग है जो जातक के पूर्व जन्म के किसी जघन्य अपराध के दंड या शाप के फलस्वरूप उसकी जन्मकुंडली में परिलक्षित होता है। व्यावहारिक रूप से पीड़ित व्यक्ति आर्थिक व शारीरिक रूप से परेशान तो होता ही है, मुख्य रूप से उसे संतान संबंधी कष्ट होता है। या तो उसे संतान होती ही नहीं, या होती है तो वह बहुत ही दुर्बल व रोगी होती है। उसकी रोजी-रोटी का जुगाड़ भी बड़ी मुश्किल से हो पाता है। धनाढय घर में पैदा होने के बावजूद किसी न किसी वजह से उसे अप्रत्याशित रूप से आर्थिक क्षति होती रहती है। तरह तरह के रोग भी उसे परेशान किये रहते हैं।
When Rahu is in the first house and Ketu in the seventh house and rest of the planets are left to this axis this yog arises, also called Vipareeta Kalsarpyog. Though this yog has the power to give extra financial gains but it is bad for marital life. Generally a person with this yog gets married late in life and can suffer from anxiety and inferiority complex.
When Rahu occupies the second house and Ketu the eighth house Kulik Kalsarp Yog arises. This combination is bad for health. The probability of losses and accidents is high in people with this combination. It is bad for financial prosperity leading to unstable financial reputation.
When Rahu occupies the third house and Ketu the ninth house and the rest of the planets are located to the left of the Rahu Ketu axis this yog is formed. The person is burdened with problems relating to job or business, blood pressure, sudden death or losses borne because of relatives.
When Rahu occupies the 4th house and Ketu the 10th this yog is Formed. The person gets trouble relating to workspace and has to go through stress and anxiety leading life with hardships. Sometimes the person afflicted has an illegitimate child or is an illegitimate child. However this yog also has the power of conferring high political success and related gains.
When Rahu is in the seventh house and Ketu in the first house this yog is formed. The person has speculative tendencies and can lose wealth by wasting on liqour, women and gambling. There is marital discord in the life of the person.
When Rahu occupies the eighth house and Ketu the second house this yog is formed. The person is short tempered and has many enemies. Such a person has affinity with the anti social elements. The person looses ancestoral wealth. Also sexually transmitted diseases are more prone.
When Rahu occupies the ninth house and Ketu is in the 3rd house this yog operates. People who have this yog in their chart face many ups and downs in life. They speak lies and favour anti religious activities. They are also short tempered and have high blood pressure leading to anxiety.
This yog arises when Rahu is in tenth house and ketu in the fourth house. Litigation problems and punishment by law is possible for dissolute behaviour. However if this yog operates positively it has the capacity to confer the highest forms of political powers.
When Rahu occupies the eleventh house and ketu the fifth house the yog which arises is the Vishdhar Kalsarp Yog. The person travels frequently and is instable. Problems also arise from children or by imprisonment or strifes between brothers. However these persons find peace in the latter half of their life.
When Rahu occupies the twelth house and ketu the sixth house this yog arises. The person has problems relating to litigation, defeat and misfortune. Enemity rises and health problems affect specially the sensory organs.
Twenty years of experience.
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PhD In Kaalsarp Puja
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Trimbakeshwar Pandit Kailash Shastri
Trimbakeshwar Pandit Kailash Shastri
Niranjani Akhada,